Monday, 10 August 2009

Turning the corner

I've walked most of the course over the past two Sundays and am feeling pretty good.  I was really sore last Monday and pretty tired today.  I'm pretty comfortable with the route thanks to a compass and Ordnance Survey maps.  Many thanks to Jakki from Clone for keeping me company, putting up with a number of wrong turns, and pushing herself farther than she thought she could go.  She has been phenomenally supportive of the entire event, and I'm glad she'll be there.

During the first Sunday, we locked down our closing location.  The Guildford Waterside Centre is charging us a reduced, flat rate for the entire afternoon/evening, and it's an ideal facility for us: showers, disabled access and toilets, kitchen with four soup bowls (get ready for some Natures Commune), and a cash bar!  Sadly, I have training in the City the following day, so I can't get too rowdy.  There's always the night before I suppose.

I'm really pleased that all of the main logistics are in place.  We've got a few more walkers (thank you, Jody and Penny!) and location and end-of-day events.  Where we need your help now is to make this an actual fund-raiser.  With two weeks to go, we're nearly at 15% of our fund-raising goal.  It's a great start but now is a time to push: please donate online if you haven't already.  Send your friends a link to the blog or fundraising page.  Give me some ideas for auction raffle prizes at the Lincoln Arms.  Whatever you can do to help adds value and is greatly appreciated by myself, the walkers, the volunteers, and the Tolfree family.

"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little." — Edmund Burke (via Philip Arnold)

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